

The Approval and Review Workflow When Editing Plone Pages (#11071) How-To Procedure is now ready.  It explains the procedure that PDS employees must follow when creating/editing How-To Procedures and Technical Notes.


This server that supports this application is scheduled for maintenance on the second Tuesday of every month between 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM.  It is likely that the maintenance will not require the full two hour period.  However, if you are using this application during that time, and you attempt to save data after the server is brought down for maintenance, you will loose your data.  If you are simply looking up data during this time, nothing will be lost, but you also may not be able to access the data.


This server that supports this application is scheduled for maintenance on the second Sunday of every month between 5:00 PM and 7:00 PM.  It is likely that the maintenance will not require the full two hour period.  However, if you are using this application during that time, and you attempt to save data after the server is brought down for maintenance, you will loose your data.  If you are simply looking up data during this time, nothing will be lost, but you also may not be able to access the data.